Dear Ms BeautiFOOL, U are so wonderFOOL, graceFOOL, playFOOL, powerFOOL and faithFOOL. Earlier U were really respectFOOL & had a colorFOOL nature. But off late, U have been painFOOL and not so peaceFOOL. I wish U were careFOOL & helpFOOL.
Love April Fool Best SMS Of 1950s: . .. ... Was there a mobile phone at that time? Use some common sense. U just start enjoying whatever is sent to U. Happy April Fool! A Fool is a Fool, whether it is January or February. But the ones who March into April make the best Fools. May U remain the same Fool in June & July so that yr August presence in September, October, November & December dawns a new great New Year! A: U r Attractive B: U r Bright C: U r Chic D: U r Delightful E: U r Extra-ordinary F: U r Fantastic G: U r Gracious H: U r Hygenic I: I am J: Just Joking Happy All Fools' Day! What is the difference between a wise & a fool? . .. ... A wise sends SMS & a fool keeps reading them. How many times have U read my messages? Happy April Fool! Some things are made for each other. For example: Shoe & Socks; Soap & Water; Paper & Pen; I & your girlfriend. Happy April Fool! |
| | | April Fool Hindi SMS | अगर आपको कोई स्मार्ट, इंटेलिजेंट, हैण्डसम, कूल, क्यूट, स्वीट कहे तो उसे जोर से थप्पड़ मारें! उसकी हिम्मत कैसे हुई कि आपको मार्च में ही अप्रैल फूल बनाये! फूल ने फूलों कि फूलवारी में फूल के साथ विश किया है! आप सभी फूलों में सबसे ज्यादा ब्यूटी-फूल, वोंडर-फूल और कलर-फूल हो! हैप्पी अप्रैल फूल डे! ऐसा दोस्ताना हमारा: मैं कश्ती तू किनारा; मैं धनुष तू तीर; मैं पालक तू पनी; मैं वर्षा तू बादल; मैं मीट तू चावल; मैं हॉट तू कूल; मैं अप्रैल तू ...? |
| | | April Fool Pranks | Use a universal remote control system and change the channels and adjust the volume while hiding outside the window of victims room. Post signs on a park bench that say,"Caution: Dry Paint". Sit down next to the sign. Laugh at people who come and try to tell you not to sit there! Leave a pack condoms in your girlfriend's purse. And while looking for something in the purse, take out the condom and create scene. Puncture the straw with a pin, then offer it to your victim. They'll suck and suck but will only get the air. Replace the moisturizer in the victim's bottle with some hair-conditioner. With the victim looking on, pretend you see a fly in the room. Grab a fly swatter and chase it around for a while. Then make a big swat, reach down and grab the 'fly' (actually a raisin that you concealed in your hand), and gobble it down or put into whatever the victim is eating. |
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